
Video | Sabine Becker
In this video Dr Ida Rolf Institute® Europe Faculty Member Peter Schwind Dr. phil., explains the concepts and practice of the Advanced Training that will take place from 19 Sep 2022 to 09 May 2023, taught by himself and assisted by DIRI Faculty Member, Juan David Vélez. He has also included a…
Video | Ali
Watch Briah Anson, Certified Rolfer™ from the USA, explains what Rolfing® is and how it can benefit you. Learn more about Rolfing. Find a Rolfer near you. Train to become a Certified Rolfer®.
Video | Ali
Watch this video to hear first-hand, from Peter and Juan, what this incredible Advanced Rolfing® Training is all about. You can also view more information about this course on the course page.
Video | Ali
Are you looking to train as a Rolfer®? John Armstrong, Certified Advanced Rolfer® and Chair of the European Rolfing® Association talks about the various preparatory, training and educational programmes at Rolfing School, and the immense wealth of expertise and resources available to students.  …
Video | Ali
Everyone can benefit from Rolfing® – an interview with Sibyl Darrington  Do you suffer from constant pain? You may have tried different treatments and therapies but the pain just keeps returning and won’t go away. Or perhaps you are recovering from an operation? Or you just feel a general sense of…
Video | Ali
Arthur Gillespie, Certified Rolfer™, demonstrates the whole series of Rolfing® treatments that are called “The Ten Series”, a process to integrate the whole human structure with the field of gravity, using hands-on bodywork and client education. Clients who went through a Ten Series often…
Video | Ali
Are you thinking about doing the Rolfing® training? This video from the the Dr.Ida Rolf Institute® will go through what you can expect from the Basic Rolfing® Training. Learn more about Rolfing. Find a Rolfer near you. Train to become a Certified Rolfer®.