Level 4 - Advanced Rolfing® Training


The Advanced Rolfing® Training consists of 168 hours designed to help you develop and deepen your understanding and effectiveness as a Rolfer®. It is also an opportunity to explore the latest developments in our work.

You'll learn about
This program emphasises how to make more precise and subtle distinctions as well as how to recognise and manipulate specific kinds of motion restrictions, including myofascial, articular, and functional. Working outside of the Ten-Series is emphasised.

Specific goals of the Advanced Training are to allow you to design your sessions for the individual and immediate needs of your client without having to resort to a recipe at any level and to allow you to be more effective with less effort. In order to accomplish these goals, the instructors will be exploring the following:

• A principle-centered decision making process which can be used to complement and/or replace all formulistic recipes (basic and advanced).
• A systematic approach to mobilising all the major joints of the body (so that correcting local dysfunctions becomes seamlessly integrated into the holistic approach of Rolfing SI).
• An exploration of the viscera and the internal cavities of the body, their contents, pressures and pulls.
• A more comprehensive approach to evaluating the whole person based on our structural, functional and psycho-biological taxonomies.
• A way of developing a more gentle and precise sense of touch that integrates direct/indirect techniques.
• How to accurately sense from a distance.
• The therapeutic environment and its importance in the context of Rolfing SI.
• How to cultivate the delicate and yet profound state from which effective and grace-full Rolfing occurs.

Format & Methods

Advanced Rolfing Training is a 168 hour course, divided into 24 days that may be arranged in one of several formats. The ERA uses two formats: Intensive (one contiguous period) and Modular (two periods – one being learning and practice, the other being clinical practice with models).

The Advanced Rolfing Certification Program is a forum for refinement and development of the work through a deeper examination of the diverse aspects of Rolfing SI, with Rolfers bringing their experiences from their private practice into the classroom setting. The Advanced Rolfing Certification Program provides a format for examining the processes that are a fundamental part of the client-practitioner equation. Each Rolfer learns a more gentle and precise sense of touch that integrates direct/indirect techniques. The focus is on being able to meet the specific structural and functional needs of the individual client. Attention is also directed to these same aspects of the practitioner’s own process. This program is designed to bring a deeper level of understanding to the Rolfer and his/her clinical practice.
What to expect in class
The Advanced Training offers a unique learning environment in several ways:

• It is always taught by an Advanced Faculty member as lead instructor, and another Faculty member as well.
• It blends a mix of core curriculum with the unique insights and skills of the Instructors.
• Each Advanced Training offers a unique learning experience that differs with each combination of Instructors.
• The experience of each participant adds additional depth to the learning experience as you work with experienced colleagues.