Andrea Clusen

Role: CE Workshop Teacher, Teacher
Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Andrea Clusen was certified as an Advanced Rolfer® in 2010 and as a Certified Rolf Movement™ practitioner in 2012. She is also a licensed SourcePoint Therapy® Instructor (since 2016) and a licensed ScarWork Instructor (since 2017).

Since her initial training, she has undergone numerous workshops in a broad spectrum of visceral work, functional and movement methods, contemporary dance related, anatomical and scientific subjects. When she certified as an advanced Rolfer®, this training was the only Advanced Training to have ever had the energetic taxonomy as a leading notion.

Before Rolfing

Andrea has always been intrigued by creating things with her own hands. As a child she preferred spending her pocket money on material to make baskets or treehouses, rather than sweets. 

In later years she trained as a dressmaker, studied CAD pattern making for the fashion industry, trained as a carpenter and worked many years as a property manager in one of Munich’s famous theatres. In all these activities, Andrea developed the skills to adapt to whatever material is offered and to take care of it effectively to fulfil its purpose. Responding to the highest needs to any, ever changing system, has become her second nature.

Inspiration to train in Rolfing®

Due to her discomfort from straining craft work, Andrea went to a Physiotherapist who applied Rolfing to her. This inspired her as it intrigued her never-ending interest in different kinds of material. The Physiotherapist mentioned the pre-training to her, and it was during Andrea’s Spectrum Rolfing training, that she had a revelation that she had finally found what she did not even know she had been looking for. Finding Rolfing, both in her own body, and the first steps during Phase One of the Basic training, felt like coming home.

Teaching Method

For each student there is a preferred way of easy learning. Some need to read first, some need hands-on experience. Some need to see or hear first about it and for some, it is a mixture of all of this. Andrea pays attention to all these primary learning types and this is what makes her a very supportive and effective teacher. She blends the dry theory with storytelling, functional aspects with try-out-yourself or gather your own experience and she offers moments of pause and exchange to learn from the experience of others (and hopefully to spare you making ever mistake yourself).