Success Stories

“Nach der ersten Rolfing® Behandlung, konnte ich wieder frei atmen und fragte mich: ‘brauche ich wirklich alle zehn Behandlungen, ich fühle mich jetzt schon so viel besser!’  Mit der Zeit wurde mir dann klar, dass die Serie sehr sinnvoll war, weil jede Behandlung ein Teil von einem größeren Ganzen…
Although I had my first Rolfing® session 45 years ago when I was still working as a professional musician, my recall of the experience is still very present. At the time, I had been playing all kinds of drums and percussion instruments since I was quite young. But my Rolfing experience was whilst…
Warum haben Sie Rolfing® ausprobiert? Wie haben Sie es entdeckt?  Familiär geprägt habe ich mit 7 Jahren begonnen Klavierunterricht zu nehmen. Ich spielte regelmäßig und übte bis zu meinem Abitur bis zu 5 Stunden am Tag. Irgendwann stellten sich Rückenschmerzen ein, die sowohl in alltäglichen…
In this conversation, Certified Rolfer® and Rolf Movement™ Practitioner, Claudia Kroczek reconnects with her client, Natasha B (33 years), 18 months after she completed her Rolfing ‘Ten Series’ to check up on her progress. A Sales Manager in a Fitness Centre, Natasha saw Claudia every two to three…
“By the end of the ten Rolfing® sessions, Eric was almost unrecognisable. In his last email to me he said: ‘You took fifty years off my life and now I feel like a teenager!’ Says Begoña Fontana Urriza. I am speaking to Begoña Fontana Urriza, a Certified Rolfer® in Spain, and her client, Eric Weber…
“With every Rolfing® session I discovered something new about my body and the world around me, my vision became wider… and so did my photography. I achieved an entirely new state of wellness. Rolfing has changed my life. It resolved my back pain and gave me the ability to walk without pain.”  Says…
“For me, the results of Rolfing® were immediate. I wanted to get out of this vicious cycle of pain and Henrike said something that made a big impression on me: Henrike said ‘Don’t think about how you are walking. Stay in your head and look around you. Try to avoid thinking about your legs!’  Before…
Rolfing® was so profoundly “life-changing” for Professional Opera Singer Florian Thomas, he decided to move to the UK with his wife, become freelance and to train part-time to become a Certified Rolfer®. The European Rolfing® Association invited me to meet Thomas and investigate further. Sitting…
This month, two of our Certified Advanced Rolfers® Miquel de Jong and Aman Andres Kohlbach have been working closely behind the scenes with the world-renowned Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, to support their globally acclaimed dancers in a very special four-day performance at the New Luxor…