Level 1 Touch 1 in Amsterdam: Discovering the fascial net of the lower body

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
18+ years of age
eventNächster Termin
schedule Zeit
Day 1 & 2: 9:00 - 18:00, Day 3: 9:00 - 17:00
language Sprache
Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Andrea Clusen was certified as an Advanced Rolfer

Cost: €580.00

"Discovering the fascial net of the lower body"

It's the first of three touch workshops within the Myofascial Foundation.


To register, please click on REGISTER button.
You will then be transfered to Esoterra Website, please finalise your registration and payment there.

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

This workshop is a good place to start, if you:

  • do not have previous experience in myofascial bodywork and want to find out if it is right for you
  • are a professional manual therapist, osteopath, or pilates or yoga instructor and want to expand your professional skills
  • are thinking about a career in Rolfing – as this workshop helps prepare you for the next level of training
Was Sie im Kurs erwartet
  • exploring the lower body – feet, legs and pelvis
  • using your hands as your tools
  • creating strength by using your body weight
  • learning how to ‘body-read’
  • how Rolfers approach their work
  • establishing clear boundaries in the therapeutic relationship