Rolf Movement™ Certification Training 2025-26

fingerprint Zulassungsvoraussetzungen
• Certification as a Rolfer®
• SI practitioners from IASI-approved schools

eventNächster Termin
schedule Zeit
European ROLFING® Association
language Sprache
Certified Rolfer®, Rolf Movement® Faculty, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Certified since 2004, Nicola is also a Rolf Movement™ Practitioner (2009) and a Certified Advanced Rolfer…

Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfing® Instructor, Mentor

A member of the Rolf Institute since 1986 and an International and European Rolfing

Certified Rolf Movement™ Instructor, Certified Rolfer®, Rolf Movement® Faculty, Certified Rolfing® Instructor, Certified Advanced Rolfer®, Mentor, Rolf Movement™ Practitioner

Rita Geirola is a Certified Rolfer

Cost: €6900.00
*Conditions Apply - see below for full details.

Since 2018 the Rolf Movement™ Trainings at the European Rolfing® Association have been offered in a modular format. Each round of training takes place over 3 parts: each part consisting of 2 or 3 Modules.

The aim of teaching in smaller modular units is twofold; firstly, to give you the opportunity to bring the elements experienced in class to your practice, and then to come back to class with further questions and insights from what has been applied. All parts will be taught by a combination of an instructor and co-instructor from the European Rolf Movement™ Faculty.

Part 1 (11 days)

Instructor: Rita Geirola

Module 1: Fri. 24.01. – Sun. 26.01.2025
Module 2: Thu. 06.03. – Sun. 09.03.2025
Module 3: Thu. 08.05. – Sun. 11.05.2025

Part 2 (10 days)

Instructor: Pierpaola Volpones

Module 1: Thu. 17.07. – Sun. 20.07.2025
Module 2: Fri. 05.09. – Sun. 07.09.2025
Module 3: Fr. 17.10. – Sun. 19.10.2025

Part 3 (9 days)

Instructor: Nicola Carofiglio

Module 1: Thu. 15.01. – Sun. 18.01. 2026
Module 2: Fri. 27.02. – Tue. 01.03.2026

*Registration and down payment of € 500.- required after registration.
1. payment until 10.12.2024: 2300 €
2. payment until 01.06.2025 2300 €
3. payment until 01.12.2025 1800 €

(Installment plan on request available)

(Prices, dates, course locations and teachers are subject to change.)

Dieser Workshop ist ein guter Anfangspunkt, wenn Sie

For all certified Rolfer® and SI practitioners from IASI-approved schools interested in the functional aspects of Rolfing®.Also all previous Rolf Movement™ Practitioner are welcome to participate in Part 3 - Introduction to leading Rolf Movement groups.

Was Sie im Kurs erwartet


In this part of the training, you will deepen your understanding of the functional aspects of the Rolfing Ten Series. The embodied explorations will be a platform for you to deepen your understanding of the Rolfing process and to be able to therefore offer more resonant movement explorations for your clients in their sessions.


In this second part you will focus on learning how to strategize and build a series of 3 Rolf Movement Sessions. These sessions are not necessarily linked to the classical Rolfing process but will support you in creating a richer toolset for meeting the varied needs of your clients. Ultimately, the intention is to support your client’s development of their body awareness and their ability to creatively sustain the benefits of what they gained from their Rolfing Ten Series process. That said, this series of three Rolf Movement Sessions could equally be used with clients who have not undergone the classical Rolfing process and may be looking for an introduction to Rolfing.


In this third and final part, using Rolf Movement theory, principles and embodied explorations, you will further explore how to create sequences and how to sustain series of movement in exploration classes that you will be able to use in a group setting. This part is intended to assist you in creating additional support for your client’s on-going work on themselves. It will also provide you with a new approach to be able to reach out to interested groups. Through offering Rolfing Movement classes, you will be able to provide a new avenue to introduce potential clients to the Rolfing process.

Part 3 invites already certified Rolf Movement™ Practitioners to participate in the newly developed aspect of the Rolfing body of knowledge – ‘leading groups’.